Monday, February 1, 2010


Okay here are the rules for takeing complements:

  1. If someone gives you a complement you should TAKE IT. Do not say oh please I look sooo bad, you don't have to be nice! You'r just fishing for more. If they want to tell you a complement then they will tell you!
  2. Do not fake that you don't know all ready know. You are a fabulouse princess who deserves to be better then any one else.
  3. Don't play it down. If someone gives you a compolement then don't say all the bad thing's that are wrong with you. Like "oh well I had to put on a TON of makeup to cover up the humungo zit on my face.... "
  4. If you are diying for a complement then you should complement someone else. If you complement someone they will almost always say one back to you to be polite, even if you look like you are a zombie.
  5. Just say thank you.
  6. Best friends are an exeption if they say somehting like nice say, Thanks your nice to me. (if you don't look so great) Your alowed to play it down a little bit.

Following these rules are very inportant because takeing complements in the irght way is an inportant peice of your self image.